InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setAuthProvider(IRVAuthenticationProvider authProvider) |
The authentication provider that provides credentials for data sources.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setChromiumDownloadFolder(String path) |
Indicates the folder where Chromium will be downloaded.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setChromiumExecutablePath(String path) |
Sets the path to Chromium executable file.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setDashboardAuthorizationProvider(IRVDashboardAuthorizationProvider dashboardAuthProvider) |
The optional dashboard authorization provider, used to check permissions before loading and saving dashboards through IRVDashboardProvider .
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setDashboardProvider(IRVDashboardProvider dashboardProvider) |
The dashboard provider, used to load and save dashboards.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setDataProvider(IRVDataProvider dataProvider) |
The data provider, used for in-memory data sources.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setDataSourceProvider(IRVDataSourceProvider dataSourceProvider) |
The data source provider, used to replace data sources in existing dashboards when they are opened.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setExportToolContainerPath(String value) |
Path containing the ExportTool binary, needed only if the automatic download of this tool is not working fine.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setExportToolEnableDownload(boolean value) |
By default the "ExportTool" is downloaded automatically when this component is used by the first time, this flag can be used to
turn off that behavior.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setLicense(String license) |
License key to unlock Reveal BI Embedded and get rid of the Trial mode
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setLocalFilesStoragePath(String path) |
When replacing data sources (using IRVDataSourceProvider you can use local files, this property specifies the root
directory to be used for URI's like "local:/Sales.xlsx" which is actually a relative location.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setMaxConcurrentImageRenderThreads(int value) |
Used to limit the number of threads used to export images when a dashboard is exported, this controls the size of
a pool thread used for that purpose.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setMaxDownloadSize(Long v) |
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setMaxInMemoryCells(Long v) |
Set this property to the expected maximum size of pivot tables or grids, given as a number of cells.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setMaxStorageCells(Long v) |
Set this property to the expected maximum size of cells to be processed from any data source
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setMaxStringCellSize(Integer v) |
Sets a limit on the number of characters any string in a dataset column may have.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setMaxTotalStringsSize(Long v) |
Set this property to the expected maximum size of pivot tables or grids,
given as the total number of characters in all of its cells.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setObjectEncoder(IRVObjectEncoder objectEncoder) |
The optional object encoder, used to encode information in DataSource or DataSourceItems, before returning those objects to the client.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setObjectFilter(IRVObjectFilter objectFilter) |
The optional object filter, used to filter 'objects' (DataSource and DataSourceItems) to be returned to the client.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setRestUrlResolver(IRVRestUrlResolver restUrlResolver) |
The optional REST URL Resolver that can be used to resolve the URL to use when using
REST data sources from the original URL defined in the data source and the list
of parameters entered by the user.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setSdkJsDistributionFile(String path) |
Indicates a local zip file containing the sdk js distribution.
InitializeParameterBuilder |
InitializeParameterBuilder.setUserContextProvider(IRVUserContextProvider userContextProvider) |
The user context provider that provides the ID of the current user (if any) for a given request.