Accent color
The list of background colors displayed as the palette when selecting the background color for a visualization. This color palette could have any number of elements.
Font family used for bold font style
The list of chart colors. This color palette could have any number of elements. Once the list is finished, Reveal will start auto generating shade of these colors.
theme.chartColors = ["rgb(255,0,0)","rgb(0,255,0)", "rgb(0,0,255)"];
Conditional Formatting set of colors HI, MID, LOW and NONE values.
Main background color
Font color
Highlighting color that is used on specific scenarios for dashboards (forecast and outliers).
theme.highlightColor = "rgb(255,0,0)";
Font family used for medium font style
Font family used for regular font style
Rounded corners in buttons, tooltips, containers, visualizations, etc. If false, squared corners will be shown
Visualizations, modals, list-items... secondary background color
Gets or sets the margin around the visualization. The space around the visualization. Default is 2.
Clones the current theme
Light version of the Mountain theme