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Replacing MS Sql Server Data Source

Step 1 - Create a class that implements IRVDataSourceProvider. This class will perform the actual replacement of the MS SQL Server settings.

public class MyDataSourceProvider : IRVDataSourceProvider
public Task<RVDataSourceItem> ChangeVisualizationDataSourceItemAsync(RVDashboardFilter filter, RVDataSourceItem dataSourceItem)
throw new NotImplementedException();

public Task<RVDataSourceItem> ChangeDashboardFilterDataSourceItemAsync(RVDashboardFilter filter, RVDataSourceItem dataSourceItem)
throw new NotImplementedException();

The ChangeVisualizationDataSourceItemAsync method of this class returns the RVDataSourceItem that the visualization will use to get its data. By modifying the RVDataSourceItem item that is provided as an argument in the ChangeVisualizationDataSourceItemAsync method, you can change where to get your data from.

Step 2 - Set the RevealSdkSettings.DataSourceProvider to an instance of the class that implements IRVDataSourceProvider

RevealSdkSettings.DataSourceProvider = new MyDataSourceProvider();

Example: Replace Host, Database, and Table

You can change the MS SQL Server host, database, and table name of every MS SQL Server data source item in your dashboard by casting each RVDataSourceItem as a RVSqlServerDataSourceItem and modifying it's properties as follows:

public Task<RVDataSourceItem> ChangeVisualizationDataSourceItemAsync(RVVisualization visualization, RVDataSourceItem dataSourceItem)
var sqlServerDsi = dataSourceItem as RVSqlServerDataSourceItem;
if (sqlServerDsi != null)
// Change SQL Server host
var sqlServerDS = (RVSqlServerDataSource)sqlServerDsi.DataSource;
sqlServerDS.Host = "";

// Change SQL Server database and table/view
sqlServerDsi.Database = "Adventure Works";
sqlServerDsi.Table = "Employees";
return Task.FromResult((RVDataSourceItem)sqlServerDsi);

return Task.FromResult(dataSourceItem);

The database Host can only be changed on the RVSqlServerDataSource object. For all other properties use the RVSqlServerDataSourceItem.