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Click Events

When an end-user clicks on a data point within a visualization, the onVisualizationDataPointClicked event is invoked. You can respond to this event by adding an event handler to the onVisualizationDataPointClicked event.

revealView.onVisualizationDataPointClicked = (visualization, cell, row) => {


The event handler has the following parameters:

  • cell - gets the data point that was clicked
  • row - gets a collection of cell data that is associated with the cell
  • visualization - gets the Visualization that was clicked

By using the parameters exposed by the event, such as the cell and row parameters, you can read data that is associated with the clicked data point.

It's important to understand that the row property provides a collection of all RVDataCell objects that represent each data point associated with the clicked cell.

The RVDataCell has the following properties:

  • columnLabel - the label, or custom name, of the column belonging to the data point
  • columnName - the name of the column belonging to the data point
  • formattedValue - the formatted value of the data point
  • value - the original value of the data point