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Working with Tooltips

A tooltip is a message which appears when the end-user hovers over or clicks on the series in a dashboard visualization.

When a tooltip is showing in a dashboard visualization, the RevealView.onTooltipShowing event is invoked. Handling this event will allow you to read tooltip data, or prevent the tooltip from showing

revealView.onTooltipShowing = (args) => {


The TooltipShowingEventArgs contains the following properties:

  • cell - gets the data point that is associated with the tooltip
  • row - gets a collection of cell data that is provided in the tooltip
  • visualization - gets the Visualization displaying the tooltip

The RevealView.onTooltipShowing event will not be triggered for visualizations that do not support tooltips, such as grids and gauges.

Reading Tooltip Data

By using the properties exposed by the event TooltipShowingEventArgs object, such as the TooltipShowingEventArgs.cell and TooltipShowingEventArgs.row properties, you can read data that is used for display in the tooltip.

It's important to understand that the TooltipShowingEventArgs.row property provides a collection of RVDataCell objects that represent each data point in the tooltip.

The RVDataCell class has the following properties:

  • columnLabel - the label, or custom name, of the column belonging to the data point
  • columnName - the name of the column belonging to the data point
  • formattedValue - the formatted value of the data point
  • value - the original value of the data point

The following image illustrates how the properties of a RVCell maps to the data being displayed in the tooltip.

Prevent Tooltips from Showing

To prevent tooltips from showing for all visualizations, or a specific visualization, simply set the TooltipShowingEventArgs.cancel property to true.

In this example, we are checking if the TooltipShowingEventArgs.visualization.title property is Sales and preventing the tooltip from showing by setting the TooltipShowingEventArgs.cancel property to true.

revealView.onTooltipShowing = (args) => {
if (args.visualization.title == "Sales") {
args.cancel = true;
Get the Code

The source code to this sample can be found on GitHub